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I'm Penny

I am the creator of Penelope Wellbeing, empowering women on their wellbeing and recovery journeys.  It is my mission to facilitate a safe and well worn path for you, clearing emotional and mental blocks for you to find your inner peace.  In your peace, lies your purpose. 

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Labyrinth Workshops & Groups

Online & In-Person

Workshops designed for self reflection, a safe place to connect with your true essence, letting go of emotional blockages, stress & anxiety to move you toward your purpose in peace.


Gain Clarity & Release Anxiety

3 Sessions 1.2.1 via Zoom

Working therapeutically to help you gain clarity on your triggers and release emotional stumbling blocks and limiting beliefs so you feel empowered to move forward with peace. Options for further sessions if required.


The 7 C's of Transformative

My Signature Group Programme

An 8 week container


Work with me online for 60 days where I facilitate your path to emotional freedom. A holistic approach using a blend of therapeutic techniques and methodologies to help you cultivate and grow your inner resource so that you believe in yourself and transform your relationships.

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