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About Me


Welcome, my name is Penny, I help facilitate and empower women on their wellbeing and recovery journeys.  Through my therapeutic workshops and groups, I champion women to take the courageous journey back to their authentic self, to hope, to self-compassion, to peace.  My background is in therapeutic counselling and I currently work as a tutor at a recovery college for a local independent mental health charity. 


As I have embarked on my personal journey through low self worth and feeling 'not enough' and experiencing the pain that supports that belief through toxic relationship patterns, to knowing that I am absolutely enough and truly experiencing inner wellbeing.  Discovering that the answers and peace I sought from outside of myself could in fact only come from within.  Your recovery starts with you!  I am passionate about helping other women to feel empowered and love and accept themselves. Knowing they are enough and developing their inner life to build them up. To discover purpose and meaning, to get back to authentic, wholehearted living, to find inner strength and peace, the recovery path to themselves.  


I discovered the power of walking labyrinths in my own life as a tool to connect with myself, a walking meditation, a sacred path that mirrors your life path, known to deeply connect people to their truth and deeper wisdom.  I went on to train with Dr. Lauren Artress of Veriditas to become a Labyrinth Facilitator. As a life long learner, I have continued my training moving away from traditional counselling and toward a solution focused and holistic approach.  This includes becoming an NLP Practitioner with the Society of NLP. I am also training in Logosynthesis® as I have come to understand that we hold trauma in the body and how unprocessed emotion can literally become frozen in time. 'Logosynthesis® is an amazing new system of healing and guided change'. 


Your breakthrough starts with you!

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