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How I Work

I will facilitate your precious journey, holding the space for your recovery back to you. I do this by helping you to tune in to your true self and re-connect to your heart.  I believe that you have innate wellbeing, it just gets hidden under life’s struggles.  We will gently discover your true desires and re-learn a new way to be that is in alignment with the essence of who you are.  Curious, courageous and compassionate, empowered and equipped to a life well lived, heart centred relationships and purpose in peace.


The therapeutic recovery that I offer includes working with the labyrinth.  I am a Veriditas trained Labyrinth Facilitator and discovered the power of walking labyrinths in my own life as a tool to connect with my higher Self.  The transformational power of walking them often has a profound effect on workshop participants.  My background is in therapeutic counselling where I trained for 5 years in a variety of modalities from Person Centred to Psychodynamic, since then I went on to gain further certificates in life coaching, NLP, education and training.  As my client work has evolved, I am interested in how we carry emotion in the body and become stuck in areas, this has led me to Logosynthesis® and look at a more holistic approach, I am in the process of becoming a practitioner, having completed the Basic Training and am in the process of completing the Advanced Training.  I value training and am a life long learner, my work is grounded in tested and tried theoretical concepts and along with my empathic, intuitive and relaxed style of working, I am able to hold the space and facilitate your path to emotional freedom.


Women Holding Hands
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